Cooking & restaurant

Arzak gastronomic experience

Gastronomic experience Arzak and Arantza Hotela Do you know of any place in the world where there are so many Michelin Stars in such a small territory?
Here food and its liturgy are so important that it is not surprising that so many good and famous chefs have come from here, no less than 19 Michelin Star restaurants within an hour’s drive from Arantza Hotela.
The highest concentration of stars per inhabitant. Enjoy the art of eating, the magic, the traditional food rethought and brought to the table with new nuances.
If eating for you is an art and a pleasure in itself, this is undoubtedly your experience. Three days where eating will become an unforgettable experience.

Write us at if you have any questions about our gift voucher or you can book it here.

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